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  • Presentations of the SOWG11 are available on the SOC public Wiki.
  • New planning at SolO level is still not known. For now, best scenario is a launch on Feb. 2020 (TBC). XB is preparing of new proposal of planning based on this scenario (see item 4).
  • Demo site of the Solar Orbiter Archive Web page is available (see for more details). People are invited to send feedbacks to SOC (Pedro Osuna) in order to improve this interface.
  • SOC requests each instrument team to write and deliver a Data Product Description Document (DPDD) (one document per instrument). A template is provided by SOC. XB asks to RCS teams to take a look to this template, which will serve to describe RPW science data at all levels. XB will see with SOC if the L1R data can also be described in this document for convenience.

2) ROC statusXB
  • EDKP - List of RIDS from EDKP will be distributed by XB to RCS teams
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    . No direct RIDS related to the RCS, but CNES is still worried by the size of the ROC/LESIA team. Quality requirements may be refined (at least at LESIA level).
  • ROC pipelines status has not changed significantly since the last telecon. The ROC is working on merging/optimizing some modules/plugins on the ROC-SGSE/RODP plugins. It affects the production of the ROC-SGSE HK/CDF L1 CDF V3. XB thinks that the ROC-SGSE should be operational again before end of March 2018 to generate V3 CDF.
  • Quynh Nhu has started to work on modifying the CAWA plugin (in charge of calling the RCS and including the RCS ICD validation tool) in order to be compliant with the RCS ICD issue 1, Rev 2 (see below). This new version should be available before end of March (TBC).
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  • Documentation - New RCS ICD Issue 1, Rev 2. and REGU issue 2, Rev. 1 should be released within 2 weeks. They will include the proposal of environmment variables usage as well as the new mechanism to deliver/use the master CDF and calibration tables for the RCS. RPW Data Products (RDP) still needs to be updated with L3 datasets and L2/RCT metadata
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3) THR statusLM, AV, QN
  • Milan Maksimovic is still the LeadCoI of THR (in discussion)
  • ROC asks to THR team to clarify if they need L1R for THR.
  • The TDS L2 HF E-Waveforms dataset might be generated by the THR team from TDS inputs. To be clarified.
  • PA HF calibration table CDF skeleton and data files - Still in discussion – XB strongly recommends that a first version of these files are available before end of march 2018.
  • THR receiver calibration CDF skeleton and data files - Same comments than for PA HF calibration tables
  • THR_CALBA pushed on Git is too large (< 500 MB). THR team shall think about remove THR RCT from git (see REGU issue 2, Rev. 1 for the procedure to deliver the RCT).
  • No SRS/SUM to be delivered before end of March.

3) TDS statusJS, DP
  • CDF skeletons to be delivered by TDS are ok in general (will require minor updgrades to be done later). Especially RPW Calibration Tables (RCT) skeletons for TDS are all delivered.
  • First version of the RCT CDF files for TDS will be delivered before end of march 2018 (for LFM mode and basic config. for HF)
  • DP/JS highligh that they need the Bias RCT and related Transfer Function (TF) to work on LF spectral products (not a priority nevertheless).
  • TDS_CALBA V0.8 source code delivered on git.
  • SRS/SUM 1.0 delivered

3) LFR data statusTC, BK, RP
  • RCT skeletons are ready to be delivered (beginning of Feb.)
  • Same for RCT CDF: VHF (dummy values at first), for SCM/Bias related data products.
  • LFR_CALBUT V0.2 delivered on Git (but wrong tag naming convention)
  • SUM 1.2 delivered/SRS is in progress, should be delivered soon.

3) SCM statusJYB, MK
  • First RCT skeletons and CDF files delivered on Git and roc-dev.
  • JYB is worried about the planning
  • SCMCAL V0.6 pushed on Git
  • SRS 1.1/SUM 1.0 delivered

3) Bias statusAV, EJ
  • RCT skeleton delivered on Git. There might be only one RCT for Bias. EK highlights that there will be two epochs inside RCT.
  • First Bias RCT CDF should be delivered before end of march (TBC at  the next telecon).
  • No BICAS source code on git. To be pushed before end of March.
  • SRS in progress / SUM draft version delivered

  • New SolO planning is not known yet, but XB will propose a new planning based on the Feb. 2020 launch. In this planning, the RCS "ready-for-flight" version might be delivered by team around the end of the 2018 year (TBC).

  • Next RCS telecon is planned on March, 12 at 2pm.

