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  1. First RPW switch-on and in-flight SFT (RPW-0)
  • A first "RPW-0" operation shall be planned in order to perform a first verification and ensure that the instrument is ready for the iBoom and ANT deployment operations
  • This operation shall consist of switching-on the instrument and performing a in-flight SFT-like test in near real-time at MOC.
  • The instrument configurations timeline and related TC sequences has TBD. It should be pretty similar to the ground SFT timeline (see As-run #3.doc for a SFT run).
  • The operation should take around 1h30 max. (typical duration of a SFT test is 1h20)
  • It should be planned at least 24h before the beginning of the deployement operations, in order to let the time to the RPW team to perform post-mortem analysis and to be confident with the instrument readiness before deployments ops.
  • JMT has mentionned that It should be better to perform the operation step-by-step (with GO/NOGO interaction with MOC team), instead of doing it in one shot.
  • As a reminder, the iBoom and ANT depl. are planned during the LEOP phase (the 7 days after launch). IT MUST BE DISCUSSED WITH MOC IF THIS OPERATION CAN BE PLANNED PRIOR TO THE DEPLOY. OPS.
  • XB highlighted that the MAG team might ask to MOC for performing the same kind of operations before i-boom deployment. It may be useful to coordinate with MAG on this.
  • The first switch-on and SFT operation will be added by XB to the RPW_NECP.xlsx to be discussed with ESA at SOWG12
  • EL to provide first inputs (expected configurations) to ROC in order to prepare this operation (see also
    Jira JIRA
  • XB shall add this operation to the RPW_NECP.xlsx doc.
  1. iBoom deployment (RPW-1)
  • RPW shall be switched-on/off 10 min. before/after the beginning of the deployment
  • A single instrument configuration might be enough to cover the needs.
  • A specific "iboom deployment" configarutions should be hence defined. AV has sent a first draft of document procedure_IBOOM_depl.docx to the RPW operation working group (ROWG). This document will contain operation plan for this activity. It could be good if a first preliminary can be submitted to the Lead CoI, before the next consortim meeting in Dresden.
  • In all cases, we should minimize the number of TC to execute during the operation (i.e, number of config.)
  • No big issue highlighted for now with this operation
  • All: Send comments to AV concerning the procedure_IBOOM_depl.docx before next ops. telecon on  (
  1. ANT deployment (RPW-2)
  • The details about how the RPW ANT will be deployed in-flight are still in discussion between RPW and ESA
  • RPW shall be switched-on/off 10 min. before/after the beginning of the deployments.
  • A single instrument configuration might be enough to cover the needs
  • Additionaly to spectral data, measuring waveforms at 256Hz should be envisaged
  • A specific "ANT deployment" configarutions should be hence defined. AV has sent a first draft of document procedure_ant_depl.docx to the RPW operation working group (ROWG). This document will contain operation plan for this activity. It could be good if a first preliminary can be submitted to the Lead CoI, before the next consortim meeting in Dresden.
  • In all cases, we should minimize the number of TC to execute during the operation (i.e, number of config.)
  • All: Send comments to AV concerning the procedure_ant_depl.docx before next ops. telecon on  (see
  1. ANT calibration rolls
  • The ANT cal. rolls can only be planned in the first week of the NECP phase and just after the EGAM (see slide 24 of the SOWG11_MLP_All.pdf presentation at SOWG11 ; available on the SOC Wiki public page)
  • RPW team will request MOC to perform this operation in both cases NECP and EGAM.
  • The ANT roll should take 8h (min. 6h) per day and should be repeated at least 4 days (TBC) to increase the change of observing AKR
  • RPW team shall verify that the NECP first week and EGAM S/C configuration versus AKR visibility is exploitable to perform the effective ANT calibration. MM will see with Patchenko if he can provide information to conclude on this (i..e, AKR visibility, required S/C orbitography for ANT roll). 
  • A specific "Direction-Finding" configuration will be used during ANT roll with the highest possible spectral resolution on TNR.
  • Ask for EMC quiet mode in S/C
  • The ANT cal. rolls operation shall be added to the RPW_NECP.xlsx to be discussed with ESA at SOWG12
  • MM: contact Patchenko concerning the ANT cal. rolls inputs
  • XB shall add this operation to the RPW_NECP.xlsx doc.
  1. SCM calibration operation
  • Specific measurements shall be done in the Earth mag. lobe to define SCM noise.
  • This has also to be done during the first week of NECP and EGAM. XB will check with Olga Alexandrova when exactly the S/C passes through the Earth lobe
  • A priori, no operational constraint at S/C level, such as attitude change, is required
  • The only request is that RPW is ON in a specific "SCM cal. configuration" and EMC quiet mode is applied (TBC), when passing through the lobe. It has to be discussed with MOC
  • The SCM cal. operation shall be added to the RPW_NECP.xlsx to be discussed with ESA at SOWG12
  • XB: contact Olga A. about the SCM measurement orbitography inputs
  • XB shall add this operation to the RPW_NECP.xlsx doc.
  1. In-flight inter-instrument interference campaign
  • EL has indicated that the EMC interference campaign on-ground - currently planned on March 2019 - should be a good baseline to prepare the in-flight interference campaign
  • XB asked about the possiblity of testing the SWA-6kV voltage risk for RPW (see also during the flight interference campaign? EL needs to discuss with SWA team (Fedorov) about this.
  • AV has sent a first draft of document inter_instrument_interference.docx to the RPW operation working group (ROWG). This document will contain at the end the operation plan for this activity.
  • All: Send comments to AV concerning the Inter_instument_interference.docx before next ops. telecon on  (see
1.RPW PAS filtering tune campaign
  • It is a verification/parametrization at flight software level. It should simply consist of checking that the RPW PAS filtering works well and of tuning it of
  • XB asked if this campaign should be a part of the in-flight inter-instrument interference campaign? For now, it has been decided to let these two campaigns separated.
  • Coordination with the SWA team will be required at some points.
  • AV has sent a first draft of document PAS_filter_tuning.docx to the RPW operation working group (ROWG). This document will contain at the end the operation plan for this activity.
  • All: Send comments to AV concerning the PAS_filter_tuning.docx before next ops. telecon on  (see
  • EL has confirmed that the CNES is responsible of the RPW commissioning, until the end of the NECP.
  • New issue of the RPW_NECP.xlsx, updated by RPW team, shall be sent before   to MOC (Jose-Luis Pellon-Bailon)
  • XB will start to modify and submit before the end of the week (i.e. ) a new version "RPW_NECP_V2.xlsx" to the RPW operations working group
  • RPW UM will be firstly updated by JMT and EL to include antenna inputs. A second update should be planned, if possible before the next SOWG12 on July 2018, in order to incude last inputs for RPW commissioning.
  • Moreover, a first rough estimation of the power consumption (in W) and data volume for each of the RPW commissioning activity (RPW-i) listed in "RPW_NECP_V2.xslx" file shall be given before the next SOWG12.
  • In all cases, it is important that the RPW team has enough arguments to discuss about commissioning at the next SOWG12. EL might be at the SOWG (TBC).
  • XB: Send the new "RPW_NECP_V2.xlsx" before  
  • Next RPW operation telecon will be held on at 14:30
  • XB: Send info about next telecon.
