Versions Compared


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Milan's report:

    • RPW status overall good, TVAC passed, preparing for vibrations, Feb. 2020 still seems realistic.
    • More damage to instruments during AIT (MAG harness damaged this time).
    • All 3 RPW antennas installed. Damaged heatshield replaced.


HK period during comissioning:

  • Diane's proposal was to increase the period of HK generation during housekeeping to 1 second.
  • TM bandwidth required for 1 second HK not negligible, but very small.
  • The proposal was agreed unanimously.

3.Low rate configurations (Jan)
  • A proposal of Low rate configurations for commissioning sent by Jan before telecon (attached).
  • no objection received before telecon
  • THR mode note detailed, but THR normal config. with 50% less rate used (increasing integration time —> spec every 24 sec instead of 12 sec.). THR team approved - same for lowrate1 and 2
  • No objection received before teleconand proposal seems ok to all
  • Snapshot cadence should be coordinated with SWA and other instruments. To be discussed at SOWG / ISWG in January.
    • Jan: send a doodle poll for the next ROB telecon.
    4.BIAS sweeping tables:
    • Discussion of updating BIAS sweeping tables in flight.
    • Andris needs to ask how to retrieve the default Bias sweeping table value.
    • Andris: provide BIAS tables to Antonio/Xavier
    • Xavier:  Plan a separate telecon to clarify Bias operation (possibility vs sequence)

    Coordinate systems for L2 science data:

    4.Science data validation organization:

    Instrument paper:

    Paper is now 60% complete

    6.Review of action items from last consortium meeting.

    Science data validation procedures (Milan):

    Two validation activities:

    • ROC pipeline validation (before launch, during comissioning)
    • Science data quality validation (continuous activity during operations):
      • Each team should validate their own part, but roles need to be assigned.
      • Validation plan should be defined for the next consortium meeting at Kiruna
      • Output of validation: quality flags
      • Action XB - prepare a first proposal for data validation workflow (deadline 21/12/2018 to sent it to ROB members)
    6.Next telecon: January 11, 2019 14:00 CET7.

    AOB: SOWG at ESAC 21-23 January. Milan, Xavier and Jan (+ CNES representatives) will go.

    Next telecon: January 11February 22, 2019 14:00 CET

    Action items
