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The RCS compabitilty tests consist of checking that the software interface is compliant with the RCS ICD specification (see ROC-PRO-PIP-ICD-00037-LES available in ROC Documents).

The tests are run performed using dedicated instances of the ROC-SGSE and RODP, deployed on the server.

An instance Moreover, instances of the RIVP will be made available to the teams to test their software interface compliance, before deliverying to the ROC.

The way to use this instance thes instances is described in the RIVP "RCS Interface Validation Pipeline User Manual" (will be provided soon).

  • The identifier of the RCS in the descriptor file shall be: "THR_CALBAR", "SCMCAL", "LFR_CALBUT", "TDS_CALBA" and "BICAS"
  • The identifier of the RPW L1/HK input datasets shall be the same for the ROC-SGSE and RODP pipelines, i.e.., "SOLO_<LEVEL>_<DESCRIPTOR>, where <LEVEL> is the data processing level ("L1" or "HK") and <DESCRIPTOR> is the prefix of the CDF global attribute descriptor.


The RCS integration tests are performed by the ROC team, using representative enough RCS input/ouput "test" data samples; one set of files for each RCS data product.

The tests consist of calling the RCS with a "pre-prod" instance of the ROC pipelines, in order to re-produce at the LESIA the "test" data.

The "test" data samples shall be delivered by the RCS teams, in collaboration with the ROC, as specified in the REGU (see ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES in the ROC Documents).

The RCS integration tests consist of running the RCS on a "pre-prod" instance of the ROC pipelines


The ROC team can however help the teams to identify and supply the input "test" data (for instance, some L2 and L1R output data CDF require input L1/HK CDF that can only by generated by the ROC pipelines).

  • There must be one set of "test" data files for each RCS data product and each ROC pipeline (ROC-SGSE or RODP).


The RCS validation tests shall allow the ROC to validate the requirements and specification related to the RCS and their data products.