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ROC CDF file-related convention


RPW CDF Data Standards


The SOL-SGS-TN-0009 document from ESA gives the convention to be applied by the in situ instrument teams concerning the CDF data products. This document can be found in



The conventions concerning the RPW data - format, metadata, file naming convention, versioning, etc. - produced on-ground by the ROC-SGSE during the on-ground calibration tests at system level can be found in the "Data format and metadata definition for the ROC-SGSE" document.


RPW CDF file creation mechanism

Every ROC RPW CDF data files must be produced using the CDF skeleton mechanism (for more information about CDF and skeletons, visit

Figure below describes the CDF generation mechanism specific to the RPW CDF data files.Image Removed

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The main steps are:

  1. Each team writes the skeleton CDF skeleton files for their RPW sub-system data sets in a specific Excel 2007 formatASCII format named "skeleton tables". It must be one Excel file skeleton table per data set.
  2. From these Excel skeleton files, the teams can generate the corresponding CDF skeleton tables in ASCII format and the master CDF binary files in binary format, using the MASER4PY module (see section "ROC CDF SKELETON CONVERSION PROCEDURE" below).
  3. The CDF master files can be then used by the software to produce the CDF data files.


  1. These skeleton tables are then delivered to the ROC using the mechanism defined in the "ROC Engineering Guidelines for External Users" (REGU) document (see ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES, available in ROC Documents).
  2. After verifications, the skeleton tables are then exported as "master" CDF files by the ROC team. In the same time, copies in the Excel 2007 format are also created. Both "master" CDFs and Excel copies are made available as soon as possible by the ROC, as described in the REGU.


  • The ROC team will also automatically generate the skeleton tables and master CDF files from the Excel format files.
  • The name of the skeleton file for each data set is reported in the "Data Definition Schema File" column in the ROC-SGSE and RPW data products lists.


The file naming convention for the RPW CDF data files is defined in [RD1].

The ROC pipelines only supplies the path to the output directory to the software, including the RCS.
In consequence, the During data production, the name of the output CDF science data files shall be named by the software them-self, using the values of global attributes saved in the corresponding master CDF, the parent CDF files (e.g., L1 CDF file) and information transmitted by the software (e.g. date of creation).

In the case of the RODP

CDFs will be provided by the ROC pipelines as input arguments to the RCS software (see RCS ICD, available in ROC Documents for more details).

The following table indicates where CDF file name fields come from in the case of the RODP. This convention must comply the SOL-SGS-TN-0009 doc. specification.

SourceName"Source_name" global attribute prefix value in the corresponding Master CDF in lower case. (i.e. "solo")

"Level" global attributes prefix value in the corresponding Master CDF (e.g. "L1")

Descriptor"Descriptor" global attribute value in the corresponding Master CDF
dateTimeSee SOL-SGS-TN-0009
Free_fieldNot used for RPW
VXXVersion XX of the current CDF data file, transmitted by the Software and/or from information inside the Master CDFs.

In the case of the ROC-SGSE

The following table indicates where CDF file name fields come from in the case of the ROC-SGSE. This convention must comply the ROC-TST-GSE-NTT-00017-LES doc. specification.

Copy of the "Provider" global attributes value in the parent CDF. If more than one parent CDF files is used, they all shall provide the same "Provider" value.
SourceNameCopy of the "Source_name" global attributes value in the corresponding Master CDF

Copy of the "Level" global attributes value in the corresponding Master CDF

DescriptorCopy of the "Descriptor" global attributes value in the corresponding Master CDF
TestIdCopy of the "Test_id" global attributes value in the parent CDF. If more than one parent CDF files is used, they all shall provide the same "Test_id" value.
VXXVersion XX of the current CDF data file, transmitted by the Software and/or from information inside the Master CDFs.

In all case, the ROC pipelines will automatically check a posteriori the validity of the output file naming, and the consistency with the global attributes saved inside the file.

CDF skeleton file



In the case of the ROC-SGSE

ROC-SGSE skeleton files archive is available in

In the case of the RODP

RODP skeleton files archive is available in
