Versions Compared


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List of acronyms & definitions used inside the ROC project.


* ADC        Analogue-to-Digital Converter

* ADP         Acceptance Data Package

* AFT         Abbreviated Functional Test

* AIT         Assembly Integration and Test

* AIV         Assembly Integration and Assembly

* APID          Application ID

* AR            Acceptance Review

* ASIC         Application Specific Integrated Circuit

* BIAS         Bias Unit

* CAN         Controller Area Network

* CANC         CAN Controller

* CCSDS         Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems

* CDF           Common Data Format

* CDR        Critical Design Review

* CIL         Critical Items List

* CMOS         Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

* CoI         Co-Investigator

* CPPA         Central Part Procurement Agency

* CRC       Cyclic Redundancy Check

* DAC         Digital-to-Analogue Converter

* DAS        DPU Application Software

* DDS           Data Dissemination System

* DCL         Declared Component List

* DM         Data Memory

* DMS         Data Management System

* DPS           Data Processing Subsystem

* DPU         Data Processing Unit

* DRB         Delivery Review Board

* ECSS          European Cooperation for Space Standardization

* EDAC         Error Detection And Correction

* EDDS          EGOS Data Dissemination System

* EEE         Electronic Electrical Electromechanical

* E-FECS        Enhanced Flight Event Communication Skeleton

* EGOS          ESA Ground Operation System

* EGSE         Electric Ground Support Equipment

* EID-A     Experiment Interface Document part A

* EID-B     Experiment Interface Document part B

* EIDP         End Item Data Package

* EM         Engineering Model

* EMC         ElectroMagnetic Cleanliness/Compatibility

* EPD         Energetic Particle detector

* EPPL         European Preferred Part List

* EQM        Electrical Qualification Model

* ESAC          European Space Astronomy Centre

* ESD        ElectroStatic Discharge

* ESOC          European Space Operation Centre

* EUI         Extreme Ultraviolet Imager

* DHS         Data Handling System

* DM         Demonstration Model

* DPA         Destructive Physical Analysis

* FCT           Flight Control Team

* FDIR          Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery

* FDS           Flight Dynamics System

* FIFO         First In, First Out buffer

* FFT         Fast Fourier Transform / Full Functional Test

* FM         Flight Model

* FMECA     Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis

* FOP           Flight Operation Plan

* FPGA         Field Programmable Gate Array

* FPU         Floating Point Unit

* GFTS          Generic File Transfer System

* GPI/O     General Purpose Input/Output

* GSE         Ground Support Equipment

* HF         High Frequency

* HK         HouseKeeping data

* H/W         Hardware

* ICD        Interface Control Document

* ID            IDentifier

* IDB        Instrument DataBase

* I/F           Interface

* IOR           Instrument Operation Request

* JTAG         Joint Test Action Group (IEEE 1149.1) standard test access port

* KIP         Key Inspection Points

* LAT         Lot Acceptance Test

* LF         Low Frequency

* LFR         Low Frequency Receiver

* LSB        Least Significant Bit

* LTP           Long Term Planning

* LVPS         Low Voltage Power Supply

* MAG         Magnetometer

* MCS           Monitoring and Control Subsystem

* MDOR          Memory Direct Operation Request

* MEB         Main Electronic Box

* MFLOPS     Million Floating point Operations Per Second

* MIB           Mission Information Base

* MIP         Mandatory Inspection Points

* MIPS         Million Instructions Per Second

* MTL           Mission TimeLine

* MTP           Medium Term Planning

* MOC        Mission Operation Centre

* MPS           Mission Planning System

* MSB        Most Significant Bit

* N/A        Not Applicable

* NC        No Consistance

* OBC           On-Board Computer

* OBT           On-Board Time

* OGS           Operation Ground Segment

* OTS        Off-The-Shelf

* PAD        Part Approved Document

* PAM        Product Assurance Manager

* PAP        Product Assurance Plan

* PCB        Printed Circuit Board

* PDR        Preliminary Design Review

* PDU        Power Distribution Unit

* PI        Principal Investigator

* PM        Program Memory

* PPM        Part Procurement Manager

* PDR           Preliminary Design Review

* PDOR          Payload Direct Operation Request

* POPPy         Plugin-Oriented Pipeline for Python framework

* PR            Preliminary Review

* QA            Quality Assurance

* QCI        Quality Conformance Inspection

* Rad-hard    Radiation-harderned

* Rad-tolerant    Radiation-tolerant

* RAM        Random Access Memory

* RFP           RPW Flight Procedure

* ROADS         ROC Operations And Data System

* RNC           Référentiel Normatif du CNES

* ROC           RPW Operation Centre

* ROM        RPW Operating Mode / Read-Only Memory

* ROR           RPW Operation Request

* RPL           RPW Packet parsing Library

* RPW        Radio and Plasma Waves (experiment)

* RTC        Remote Terminal Controller

* RVT        Radiation Verification Test

* SAP           Science Activity Plan

* S/C        Spacecraft

* SCET          SpaceCraft Elapsed Time

* SCOS          Spacecraft Control and Operation System

* SDDS          Solar Orbiter Data Dissemination System

* SDRAM        Synchronous Dynamic Randomw Access Memory

* SID        Structure Identification

* SEE        Single Event Effects

* SEL        Single Event Latch-up

* SGS           Science Ground Segment

* SGSE          Software Ground Support Equipment

* SOC        Science Operation Centre

* SOOP          Solar Orbiter Observing Plan

* SPA         Software Product Assurance

* SPICE        Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment

* SPID          Source Packet ID

* SPS        Sample Per Second

* SRDB          Spacecraft Reference DataBase

* STIX        Spectrometer / Telescop for Imaging X-rays

* STB        Spécifications Techniques des Besoins

* STM        Structural Thermal Model    

* STP           Short Term Planning

* SSMM        Solid State Mass Memory

* S/W        Software

* SWA        Solar Wind Analyser

* TBC        To Be Confirmed

* TBD        To Be Defined

* TBW        To Be Written

* TC        TeleCommand

* TDS        Time Domain Sampler

* TID        Total Ionising Dose

* TM        Telemetry

* TMC           Telemetry Corridor

* TMR        Triple Module Redundancy

* TNR-HFR    Thermal Noise Receiver/High Frequency Receiver

* TRR        Test Readiness Review

* UART        Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter

* UTC           Coordinated Universal Time  

* VO            Virtual Observatory

* VSTP          Very Short Term Planning

* WBS        Work Breakdown Structure

* WCA        Worse Case Analysis