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  • LFR
    • Status report: see attached slides below (FSW_update_progress_17_03_2021.pdf)
    • Questions:
      • Does new value range impact IDB → No (float value)Does
      • Does new ASM on-board calibration will change the B computation in the SBM1 degraded mode (MAG failure) ? → Only SY_DPU_SBM1_PB_i parameters are impacted. Can be tuned by TC so no problem (See SSS-CP-DAS-653 in SSS)
    • Running stimuli to test FLR FSW algo might not be required anymore on EM2 at LESIA (will be performed by LFR team at LPP)
  • TDS
    • According to Jan, it will finally be possible to update TDS FSW without impacting RPW IDB (not the most straight forward way nor prettiest, but possible)  
    • Has started to perform devtest of TDS FSW algo in PC
    • What about new ~50 kHz interference?
      • It would be better to include its correction in the FSW patch (same part of the FSW code than to correct 120 kHz interference)
      • But origin of the 50 kHz interference is not well understood yet (see Milan's slides). May be fixed at plateform level by ESA.
      • Xavier says that a second FSW patching is still possible on RPW in 2022 if needed.
    • TDS team not sure yet to deliver FSW patch on time (i.e., end of June 2021). To be confirmed at the next meeting
  • THR
    • Kamel has accepted to support LESIA in THR FSW update. May not require to hire external engineer (however what about the documentation?)
    • QAP activites are still to be defined. To be discussed with Charles Dixon
    • Kamel accepts to take a look at the THR FSW
    • THR team would like to run TNR in EM2 in order to re-produce time-stamp anomaly in TNR band A. ROC will see with Simone Thjis to run EM2 asap.
    • The 50 kHz interference also impacts TNR, however, since the investigation about this interference is still in progress, the THR team will prepare FSW patch as expected initially (without taking account of this interference of the moment).
    • Running stimuli to test THR FSW algo might not be required anymore on EM2 at LESIA (will be performed by THR team)
  • ROC
    • Will contact Simone Thjis to schedule TNR run on EM2 at LESIA
    • Still need to write formal plan in preparation to in-flight patching operation
    • MOC/SOC will have to be informed if current planning is changed (e.g., THR and/or TDS patching postponed
    • Need to schedule the run on the MEB EM2 (for THR/LFR FSW testing, then to test command/control FSW patching before delivery to ESA)
  •  Xavier/Diane to inform Simone  Thjis about planning (add her in the loop for MEB EM2 runs) - Before next telecon
  •  Jan to see if IDB changes are really needed or can be avoided. - Before next telecon
  •  Charles Dixon to send to LFR and THR teams the minimal QAP needs to support the FSW patching activities - Before next telecon
  •  CNES to organize a QAP-related telecon with LFR and THR team before next meeting
  •  LFR and THR teams: to send to Charles Dixon (with copy to Desi Raulin) the needs for QAP support - Before next telecon
  •  THR team to think about who will update the documentation related to FSW patching
  •  ROC and THR teams to plan with the support of Simone Thjis the run of TNR on EM2 (for investigating timestamp anomaly)
  •  ROC (Xavier) sends a message to MOC/SOC to keep them informed about plan - Before next telecon
  •  ROC (Xavier/Diane) to write a first "RPW FSW patching plan" detailling the needs, actors and planning - Before next telecon
  • TDS and THR teams think to be ready for FSW on-board patching on October 2021
  • LFR team will need more time. Need to re-schedule a second patching on the 2022, first semester (to be confirmed by LFR before the end of the year).
  • ROC needs to inform MOC/SOC about latest plans
  •  Xavier sends a message to MOC/SOC to keep them informed about plan - Before next telecon
  •  Xavier/Diane to write a first "RPW FSW patching plan" detailling the needs, actors and planning - Before next telecon
  •  LFR team to refine the date of delivery for its patch in 2022 - End of 2021
  • Next meeting planned on March 17 at 10AM (CET)

  • Add Alexis Jeandet and Bruno Katra in the working group mails
