Versions Compared


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This page provides information about RPW public data releases.

About RPW data release philosophy

RPW public data are released by LESIA on daily basis. Only L0/L1/L2 data older than 90 days are freely accessible. If a public data file needs to be re-processed, the new version is made available within 48 hours following its generation.

The release notes below gives the history of the RPW public data, which have been re-processed during the mission (i.e., except for the first delivery on September 2020, "release" and "re-processing" terms are equivalent in these notes).

Only main changes relevant for the science community are reported in the tables for each products. For a detailed modification history, including technical updates, please read the software changelog in ROC gitlab site (restricted access).


The first version of RPW data file is always generated with a sequence number "V01" (corresponding to the "Data_version" global attribute's entry in the CDF). This number is incremented each time a new version of the file is produced. For a given data product and release, public files can hence have different version numbers.

Make sure to always use the file with the highest sequence number. 

N.B. Official data providers (LESIA, ESAC, NASA, CDPP) will always supply as a first choice the latest version of the RPW data products.

RPW L2 science data release notes

September 2020 (first public release)

First public release of RPW L2 science data (survey data only, no SBM data).

Initial versions of software used to generated science data (L2) were:

  • THR_CALBAR V2.2.3
  • TDS_CALBA V0.9.6
  • LFR_CALBUT V1.3.0
  • SCMCAL V0.12.1
  • BICAS V3.1.0

N.B. List of RPW data products w.r.t. to software can be found in RPW Data Products

March 2021 (full data re-processing)

First full re-processing of all RPW L2 science data (survey data only, no SBM data).

Data productChange log (deltas since the previous release)Software nameSoftware version
  • NEW calibration procedure -- factor 2 in the voltage V0 (input voltage for the calibration)
  • Corrections on max/min in gattrs writing; remove gattrs1 from antennas_params
  • Variable FREQUENCY added
  • NEW calibration procedure -- added 2 dB to V0 due to the 75 ohm cable as observed in the BW test on ground
  • Reads the validity file from each team to obtain the calibration filename to use.
  • Calibration improved.
  • Now BP1 are divided by ASM frequencies.
  • Days with only burst mode are now correctly computed.
  • Reads the validity file from each team to obtain the calibration filename to use.
  • Calibration improved at F2 frequencies. Now BP1 are divided by ASM frequencies.
  • Days with only burst mode are now correctly computed.
  • Reads the validity file from each team to obtain the calibration filename to use.



  • Update Global Attributes.



  • Zero order AC data de-trending (remove mean; previously removed linear fit), but no AC data re-trending. This removes earlier artificial offsets and artificial linear components, in particular in snapshots.
  • Using improved fits and extrapolations of the BIAS AC transfer functions, in particular for low frequencies.
  • Using modified inverted transfer functions for AC data below 7 Hz (constant gain) to prevent low frequency noise from being amplified.
  • Sets quality variables based on manually identified thruster firings.
  • Better CDF standards compliance.







  • Bug in CHANNEL_OVERFLOW flag for waveform snapshots fixed. Antenna lengths for RPW_ANTENNA_RTN data in snapshot waveforms added. Now both directions in RTN and effective lengths are provided.
  • Feature to process the resized L1 files for the redundant LFM modes implemented.
  • New calibration table released. A major problem in calibrations of MAMP, STAT, HISTxD fixed (mismatch in a calibration table). CHANNEL_CONFIG replaced by CHANNEL_REF in all concerning data products. TDS antenna configuration is now represented by number (e.g. 10 = ANT1-GND or 23 = ANT2-ANT3). Feature to process the resized L1 files implemented.
  • Signs for waveform and voltage snapshots fixed. Some issues with the ISTP/SPDF compliance resolved, metadata variables added dimensions for existing zVars changed.
  • Mandatory Global Attributes filled. Mismatch in modes for the waveform snapshot calibration fixed. Time vector in MAMP product adequately created.
  • The first SOAR release (known bugs: bad sign for VOLTAGES in all waveform snapshots. Bad calibrations for MAMP and STAT for some of the TDS modes. Incorrect time vector for MAMP. BAD flag for CHANNEL_OVERFLOW in MAMP, TSWF and RSWF data products).











  • Corrects gAttr TIME_MIN and TIME_MAX
  • Improves the accuracy of the time range where the heaters alter the magnetic measurements (bit1 of L2_QUALITY_BITMASK)