Versions Compared


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Diane Berard

Antonio Vecchio

Xavier Bonnin


1. First Switch on and TM checks
  • Concerned TM checks must be only those via OMM and not via SSMM
  • The TM checks will be done manually, an operator will have a PDF with the instructions.
  • The instructions will be written in the FOP, section "Flight rules". They must contain all the actions depending on the TM received.
  • The check of the well production of TM packets can be done easily
  • .
  • A specific procedure is needed for the TM checks to be applied after block 1. The PDORs corresponding to each block will be put under conf control. They will be called in the specific system procedure for deployments.

    Note: it would be good if the PDOR name contained the block ID!

    The flight rules (an other part of the FOP) for the deployments need to contain unambiguous rules about what to do with RPW in case of unexpected TM check, OOL or received non nominal event.

  • The check for TM packets (on top of TM parameters) can be done easily
  • Regroup If possible, regroup all the TM checks after the switch on and not during deployment activities or switch on.
  • FDIR values settings (enabled!)  must be checked at the beginningswitch on of RPW to make sure RPW is well protected.
  • If non-nominal event occurs (but in FDIR boundaries), RPW has to tell MOC what to do. For example, MAG decided to stay ON until the end of deployment, whatever
  • Those TM checks can be tested during SVT1A
  • To switch on SCM, the temperature has to be increased, which takes ~15 min → RPW will change the temperature at the beginning of switch on, and during the increasing, will switch on all others sub-systems in ordre to switch on SCM 15 min later.

DB and AV : Send to SL an excel with the TM checks to perform after switch on : end of February


DB and AV : Send to SL the flight rules depending on TM during second semester 2019


2. Division by blocks the deployment activities
  • Blocks presented in slide 2 are ok until SL details the deployments activities.
  • 1 Block corresponds to 1 PDOR with delta times (release times). SL is able to transform those delta times in absolute times once the deployment planning is known.
  • RPW insists on the importance to run the blocks right before or after the deployment without gap hours. If such gap are foreseen, RPW might cut the blocks to be more flexible.
  • In case of stop during deployment activities, RPW can stay switched on one day or more.

DB : Send to SL PDOR corresponding to each block before end of February


3. SVT1 issues
  • As blocks have been validated for now as in slide 2, the timeline for SVT1 test remains.
  • To test the deployment timeline, TM checks can be sent by email or excel file.
  • DB has 4 more sequences to send to SL
  • Timeline 1.3 (see attached file) is validated
  • We might be able to test the whole data retrieval process

DB : Send missing sequences to SL


MDOR sent by Xavier are ok. They will probably be tested after SVT1B

The SW upload may take place post SVT1b and be executed via MOC.
For that we'll need the relevant MDORs as well as the high level patch procedure.
As soon as the MDORs are ready, please pass them on so that we can validate that part already (ie process the MDORs and send back to you for approval).

As software updates are ready for RPW, we must discuss with Airbus and insist on the necessity to perform the update before flight (updates are needed for deployment activities).

JMT and EL : Discuss with Airbus about the timing of software updates.

DB, AV, XB : Send to MOC as soon as possible a MDOR with the software update + procedure to switch on and enter the right mode prior to MDOR, and procedure of verification and switch off after MDOR.


Action items

Attached items
