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  1. RPW status update

  2. HK period during comissioning

  3. Data coordinate systems/reference frames

  4. Data validation organization
  5. Instrument paper
  6. Review of actions from the last consortium meeting.
  7. Next ROB telecon & AOB



Milan's report:

  • RPW status overall good, TVAC passed, preparing for vibrations, Feb. 2020 still seems realistic.
  • More damage to instruments during AIT (MAG harness damaged this time).
  • All 3 RPW antennas installed. Damaged heatshield replaced.


HK period during comissioning:

  • Diane's proposal was to increase the period of HK generation during housekeeping to 1 second.
  • TM bandwidth required for 1 second HK not negligible, but very small.
  • The proposal was agreed unanimously.

3.Low rate configurations (Jan)
  • A proposal of Low rate configurations for commissioning sent by Jan before telecon (attached).
  • no objection received before telecon
  • THR mode note detailed, but THR normal config. with 50% less rate used (increasing integration time —> spec every 24 sec instead of 12 sec.). THR team approved - same for lowrate1 and 2
  • No objection received before teleconand proposal seems ok to all
  • Snapshot cadence should be coordinated with SWA and other instruments. To be discussed at SOWG / ISWG in January.
    • Jan: send a doodle poll for the next ROB telecon.
    4.BIAS sweeping tables:
    • Discussion of updating BIAS sweeping tables in flight.
    • Andris needs to ask how to retrieve the default Bias sweeping table value.
    • Andris: provide BIAS tables to Antonio/Xavier
    • Xavier:  Plan a separate telecon to clarify Bias operation (possibility vs sequence)

    Coordinate systems for L2 science data:

    • Baseline (already discussed at consortium meeting in Dresden): use both RTN and instrument coordinates.
    • In some cases, instrument coordinates are the only choice (e.g. SCM B_MF data).
    • Xavier considers having two coordinate systems space inefficient, proposes to include a transformation matrix instead - at least in some cases.
    • PSP FIELDS use RTN (TBC)
    • Jan to check with MAG
    Jan: Check with Tim Horbury what coordinate system is used by MAG.

    Science data validation organization:

    Everyone: to check DVVP and provide feedback to Xavier.


    Instrument paper:

    • Paper is now 60% complete
    • We are late, but not critically, we are not the worst in the class (yet).
    • Most contributions from team received, Andris will send his in ~2 weeks
    • Milan will send around the next draft by end January.
    Milan to send the instrument paper draft.

    Review of action items from last consortium meeting.

    Actions from consortium meeting #21 (Dresden) here (slide 6):


    AI1: Xavier  sent email to M. Pulupa and didn't get a response. We now have PSP data. New action: Milan to check by consortium meeting.

    AI2: Milan is waiting for Axel Junge (ESA) to provide report from EMC tests. Milan will talk to Eric about involving interested ROB members in EMC telecons. EMC campaign will start June 3rd  (RPW 5-6 June).

    AI3: In progress.

    AI4: Ongoing (see point 3 above). To be done by next consortium meeting.

    AI5: Ongoing. To be done before next consortium meeting.

    AI6: Closed. New AI: Milan to finalize performance document.

    AI7: Closed (presentation by Yuri given earlier).

    AI8: Eric to organize a performance review at the end of commissioning. To describe in the commissioning plan.

    Milan: To check with PSP the organization of TNR data (magnetic/electric)

    Milan: Talk to Eric about involving interested ROB members in EMC telecons/campaign.

    Milan: Finalize performance document.

    Eric: to pu the performance review in the commissioning plan.


    Science data validation procedures (Milan):

    Two validation activities:

    • ROC pipeline validation (before launch, during comissioning)
    • Science data quality validation (continuous activity during operations):
      • Each team should validate their own part, but roles need to be assigned.
      • Validation plan should be defined for the next consortium meeting at Kiruna
      • Output of validation: quality flags
      • Action XB - prepare a first proposal for data validation workflow (deadline 21/12/2018 to sent it to ROB members)
    6.Next telecon: January 11, 2019 14:00 CET


    AOB: SOWG at ESAC 21-23 January. Milan, Xavier and Jan (+ CNES representatives) will go.

    Next telecon: January 11February 22, 2019 14:00 CET

    Action items

    Jira JIRA
    jqlQuerysummary ~ 'ROC-ROB*'

    Attached items

    Low rate configurations (Jan's calculator):


    Low rate configurations (Diane's calculator):


    Data Validation and Verification Plan (draft sent by Xavier):


    Presentation on DVVP (by Xavier):
