This page gathers information related to the RPW instrument state model (ISM).

Context & Philosophy

During the mission, the RPW instrument state model (ISM) is used by Solar Orbiter MOC in order to control:

Another hand, the Solar Orbiter SOC will also need its own version of the RPW ISM, in order to verify the instrument TM bit rate sent to the SSMM. Especially, this SOC RPW state model will have to be consistent with the MOC RPW ISM and compliant with the specification of the state model application tool used at both the SOC site.

The RPW ISM is based on three concepts:

Which are defined in the next section.


The table below gives a list of the definition of the main terms encountered in the RPW ISM framework.

Instrument DPU software (sub)modeSoftware modes and submodes of the instrument DPU (e.g, SAFE, STANDBY, SERVICE, SCIENCE, SURVEY_NORMAL, SURVEY_BURST, SBM_DETECTION, etc.)Note that the RPW TDS/LFR/THR software modes are not the same than the DPU modes (see RPW DPU SSS for more details)
Instrument modeAn operating instrument mode with a fixed power consumption.
Instrument configurationA given setting of the instrument sub-system (i.e., with a given set of fixed parameters values). A same configuration can be used in different instrument modes. Especially, it results that the power consumption and the TM bit rate are not fixed for a given configuration.
Instrument stateThe union of a given instrument mode and a given instrument configuration. Especially, the power consumption and TM bit rate of an instrument state are fixed. Nevertheless, the data compression can be activated/deactivated for a given state, changing the bit rate.
TransitionTransition between two instrument states (in SOC RPW ISM) or modes (in MOC RPW ISM)

ISM Constraints

MOC-related RPW ISM constraints

At MOC level, the RPW ISM shall fulfill the following contraints:

SOC-related RPW ISM constraints

At SOC level, the RPW ISM shall fulfill the following contraints:
