

at 10PM (via ZOOM)



  1. Review of action-items and open issues (by each team: TDS, LFR, THR, ROC, DAS)
  2. Planning
  3. Next meeting
  4. AOB

Discussion items

  • LFR
    • Status report: see attached slides below (FSW_update_progress_10_02_2021.pdf)
    • Important upgrade (needs deep investigations in terms of CPU budget and data on-board processing)
    • Current GSE needs upgraded. (Philippe warns that the LFR GSE should not be significantly upgrades to avoid introducing regressions).
    • No impact on IDB or FOP
    • Running stimuli on MEB EM2 at LESIA requested
    • Need to quantify the need in terms of QAP support
  • TDS
    • Status report: see attached slides below (tds_software_feb10.pdf)
    • Might require to update IDB / FOP (enumeration / range to be changed)
  • THR
    • Minor upgrade
    • 3 months of work is expected to prepare THR FSW patch
    • No impact on IDB or FOP
    • Running on MEB EM2 at LESIA requested.
      • Before patch final delivery to FSW team, in order to:  try to reproduce the TNR delta time issue (at least one day of run is needed to have a chance to see the error). Check for plasma peak on-board algorithm with stimuli.
    • Need to quantify the need in terms of QAP support
  • ROC
    • Need to schedule the run on the MEB EM2 (for THR/LFR FSW testing, then to test command/control FSW patching before delivery to ESA)
  • Xavier/Diane to inform Simone  Thjis about planning (add her in the loop for MEB EM2 runs) - Before next telecon
  • Jan to see if IDB changes are really needed or can be avoided. - Before next telecon
  • LFR and THR teams: to send to Charles Dixon and Desi Raulin the needs for QAP support - Before next telecon
  • TDS and THR teams think to be ready for FSW on-board patching on October 2021
  • LFR team will need more time. Need to re-schedule a second patching on the 2022, first semester (to be confirmed by LFR before the end of the year).
  • ROC needs to inform MOC/SOC about latest plans
  • Xavier sends a message to MOC/SOC to keep them informed about plan - Before next telecon
  • Xavier/Diane to write a first "RPW FSW patching plan" detailling the needs, actors and planning - Before next telecon
  • LFR team to refine the date of delivery for its patch in 2022 - End of 2021
  • Next meeting planned on March 17 at 10AM (CET)
  • Add Alexis Jeandet and Bruno Katra in the working group mails

Action items

Attached items