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This page reports the Frequently Asked Questions concering encountered during the RCS implementation activities.


Table of content

Table of Contents

RPW data general questions

Which standards applied to the RPW data?

The standards for Solar Orbiter science data are defined in

Especially, this document provides the conventions in terms of file format, naming and data versioning.

All RPW science data must comply these standards.

N.B. Solar Orbiter science data standards partially rely on the ISTP/IACG CDF guidelines (see

Where can I find Solar Orbiter SPICE kernels?

All SOC-provided Solar Orbiter SPICE kernels retrieved by the ROC are made available in (restricted access).

For more details about:


For more information about the CDF and skeleton/master mechanism, visit

How to


generate a skeleton or master CDF file


from an Excel format file?

The mechanism to deliver skeleton CDF to the ROC is presented in the "ROC Engineering Guidelines for External Users" (REGU) document (see ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES, available in ROC Documents).

In summary:

  • Skeleton CDFs must be delivered as a skeleton table in the ASCII format
  • Skeleton CDFs must be "pushed" by teams in the "SOLO/RPW/CDF/Skeleton" folder of the ROC "DataPool" Git respository (
  • Skeleton CDFs can be only "pushed" by teams in the "rcs" branch of the ROC "DataPool" Git respository

Every "commit" should be commented to have a traceability of the changes.

How to generate a skeleton or master CDF file from an Excel format file?

The MASER4PY Python package allows to generate skeleton table or Master CDF from an Excel 2007 format file (.xlsx).

More details can be found in


MASER4PY Python package allows to generate skeleton table or Master CDF from an Excel 2007 format file (.xlsx).

More details can be found in

How to check RPW CDF compliance against Solar Orbiter data standards?

There is no ESA-provided software to check CDF compliance against ESAC Solar Orbiter data standards (SOL-SGS-TN-0009).

However the ROC has started to develop a light Python program to check RPW/Solar Orbiter data compliance.

A first version of this tool can be found in (restricted access).

The program must be run under Python 3.6+ and requires spacepy module. Enter 'python –help' to display help message.


This tool is not fully tested yet. Use at your own risk!

How to check RPW CDF compliance against NASA ISTP/SPDF data standards?

The NASA-provided software SKTeditor ( can be used  to check compliance of CDF file against NASA ISTP/SPDF data standards.

An instance of the SKTeditor is installed in the server to run CDF check using the dedicated command line interface (see "How to run the NASA SKTeditor CLI  in the sever?")

How to run the NASA SKTeditor CLI in the server?

From a terminal logged in server:

First set up the environment by entering:

Code Block
source /usr/local/lib/cdf/current/bin/definitions.B

export CLASSPATH=.:${CDF_JAVA}/classes/cdfjava.jar:${CDF_JAVA}/cdftools/CDFToolsDriver.jar:${CDF_JAVA}/cdfml/cdfml.jar:"$CLASSPATH"


export CLASSPATH=/usr/local/cdf/skteditor:"$CLASSPATH"


  • Instructions above can also be inserted into a .bashrc file to be run at start
  • Instructions above are given assuming a BASH shell user, but other shells can also be used (see CDF install manual for more details).

Then, to check the compliance of a given <cdf_filename>, enter:

Code Block
java -cp /usr/local/lib/cdf/skteditor/spdfjavaClasses.jar <cdf_filename>

RCS software and product delivery questions

How a RCS software must be delivered to



The mechanism to deliver RCS software to the ROC is presented in the "ROC Engineering Guidelines for External Users" (REGU) document (see ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES, available in ROC Documents).


  • RCS software must be delivered with at least the source code and the executable "ready-to-be-used" on the roc-dev server. The executable can be a script or a binary file.
  • RCS software must be delivered with the up-to-date documentation (user manual, software specification and design)
  • RCS software must be delivered with the up-to-date descriptor file (see RCS ICD for more details, available in ROC Documents)
  • RCS software must be "pushed" on the "master" branch of the dedicated project in the group. There is one project by RCS
  • Every RCS software delivered must be tagged on Git with a version (use "git tag" command for this)
  • The ROC team must be informed each time a new version of the software is "pushed"

How can I deliver my RCS test data package to ROC ?

The RCS test data package is required by the ROC Team to check that a given version of the RCS works as expected. Every version of the RCS software must hence be delivered with its test data package.

The RCS test data package must be delivered using the server. Table below gives for each team the user account and target folder to be used to deliver the test data package.

Team in chargeRCS nameSFTP user accountTarget folder in the SFTP server

  • Target folders must not be used for long term file storage. Every file dropped by teams in the folder will be moved to a long-term storage directory.
  • Access to the SFTP server is only possible for authorized accounts and machines. See with the ROC Team for details.

How can I deliver my RPW calibration table (RCT) file to ROC ?

The RPW calibration table (RCT) files must be delivered as CDF files in the dedicated SFTP server at LESIA. Table below gives for each team the user account and target folder to be used to deliver the calibration table files.

Team in chargeRCS nameSFTP user accountTarget folder in the SFTP server

  • Target folders must not be used for long term file storage. Every file dropped by teams in the folder will be moved to a long-term storage directory.
  • Access to the SFTP server is only possible for authorized accounts and machines. See with the ROC Team for details.
  • CDF skeletons of the RCT must be delivered as any other CDF skeleton (see "How to deliver a CDF skeletons file to ROC?")

How to deliver a CDF skeletons file to ROC?

The mechanism to deliver CDF skeletons to the ROC is presented in the "ROC Engineering Guidelines for External Users" (REGU) document (see ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES, available in ROC Documents).

In summary:

  • CDF skeletons must be delivered as a skeleton table in the ASCII format
  • CDF skeletons must be "pushed" by teams in the "SOLO/RPW/CDF/Skeleton" folder of the ROC "DataPool" Git respository (
  • CDF skeletons can be only "pushed" by teams in the "rcs" branch of the ROC "DataPool" Git respository


Every "commit" should be commented to have a traceability of the changes.

How to deliver RPW L3 CDF files to ROC?

RPW L3 CDF files are not generated by the ROC at LESIA, but they must be delivered to the ROC which will be in charge of validating the files, sharing them in the RPW private/public data servers and deliverying them to Solar Orbiter Archive (SOAR).

There are few rules to follow when deliverying files:

  • Make sure that RPW L3 CDF files are compliant with RPW/Solar Orbiter data standards (add link)
  • L3 CDF files must be dropped in the dedicated folder in the ROC SFTP server at LESIA (contact ROC team for details)
  • The descriptor field of the CDF filename must be appended with the "-cdag" suffix (e.g., "solo_L3_rpw-tnr-fp-cdag_20230102_V01.cdf")

If one these rules are not fullfiled, then the ROC will reject the delivery of RPW L3 CDF files.

  • The ROC will not manage the data version of the L3 CDF delivered. It is the responsibility of people in charge to ensure the consistency and the traceability of the CDF data version. Especially any file already delivred (i.e., with the same data version) will be automatically rejected by the ROC.

What is the software environment used by the ROC at LESIA to run RCS?

Information about the ROC software environment can be found in Software environment


Make sure the RCS delivered to LESIA are consistent with the ROC software environment.
If it is not the case, the ROC team might reject the delivery.

RCS-ROC interface-related questions

What is the descriptor file?

The descriptor file (or descriptor) is JSON format file used by the ROC pipelines to identify and call the RCS in an autonomous way.



RPW Calibration Tables-related questions

How can I deliver my RPW calibration table file?

The RPW calibration table files must be delivered as CDF files in the dedicated SFTP server at LESIA.

The mechanism to deliver the RPW calibration table files is described in the "ROC Engineering Guidelines for External Users" document (REGU) [ROC-GEN-SYS-NTT-00019-LES].


Miscellaneous questions

Where I can find the list of acronyms relative to the ROC project?
